Better Leaders

Helping technical
experts build expert
people skills

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We spend lots of time getting smarter and better at performing our “day job”.  But we don't often spend enough time building people skills that can multiply the impact of our technical expertise.

When asked about the best leader they’ve ever worked for, people remember how the leader treated others and interacted with those around them.

With years of experience, Leadership-Link delivers workshops that hone leadership skills and can be customized for all levels of experience. Our Leaders in Motion series of workshops will raise the level of leadership and team effectiveness in any organization.


With years of experience, Leadership-Link delivers workshops that grow leadership skills custom-tailored for all levels of experience. Below is a sampling of courses that can be customized for your organization.  Contact us for more information.

Know your Leadership

Know your Leadership Signature*

Participants in this workshop will explore their personal work style and strengths by using the Everything DiSC assessment.  In-depth analysis of assessment results is facilitated to help leaders fully explore personal styles. Through activities and group discussion, participants will to learn acknowledge their strengths and style, protect from over-use, and make commitments to adapt their style to most effectively work in teams and manage others.  In this workshop, we work with leaders to turn their strengths and style into a personal “Leadership Signature”.

Coach for Growth

Coach for Growth

This program is designed to help leaders establish a coaching mindset that focuses on developing the thinking skills of their employees in the context of a coaching conversation. The coaching skills we focus on building in the course are the ability to ask curious questions and practice engaged listening.  An introduction to the neuroscience of leadership provides the research-driven proof of the effectiveness of a positive approach to coaching.  Utilizing a ‘coaching’ approach to leadership equips leaders to encourage new ways of thinking on their teams.

Delegate to Develop

Delegate to Develop

Delegation is the most effective way to grow and develop others.  When it is done well, delegation is a planned, systematic effort to build capabilities in team members.  Leaders are expected to enable and empower employees to grow.  In this session, participants learn a strategic approach to delegation that will lead to empowerment, stretching, and maximizing the talent of all team members.

Build a Culture of

Build a Culture of Accountability

What do great leaders do to build a culture of accountability where all team members own their actions and results, are clear on expectations, and have candid conversations about work?  Leaders are expected to drive for results while holding themselves and others accountable.  In this session, participants will explore the practices and habits of leaders who drive accountability and productivity as a part of a team’s culture.  

Difficult Conversations
with Clarity and Care

Difficult Coversations with
Clarity and Care

In this session, participants will practice the conversation skills needed to have a positive impact in a difficult environment.  This includes communicating clear expectations, providing effective feedback, delivering difficult messages, and knowing the boundaries of communication and language in a respectful workplace.  This session takes a practical approach and includes conversation planning, opening and closing lines, and how to keep difficult conversations productive.

Capstone Program**

Capstone Program**

The capstone workshop is reserved for you to decide which topic makes the most sense for your group.

You can choose any of our programs as your capstone.

Every session includes:

> Online learning as prework (30-40 minutes).
> 2 hour workshop (in person or virtual).
> Action Commitment follow-up.
> Communication with managers of all participants to share critical content and guide for reinforcement.

* First session includes a work style assessment:

> Everything DiSC (recommended)
> Hogan (recommended for in-depth development)
> StrengthsFinder
> Total strengths development inventory
> Myers-Briggs type indicator


> Individual coaching for each participant (between sessions)

** Potential Capstone Programs:

> Influence with Impact
> Present So People Will Listen
> Leading through Change